Attention Call Center Agents - True Confessions Wanted
Released on = September 5, 2006, 10:00 pm
Press Release Author = Matthew W. Grant
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = Every call center agent has a secret and this website wants to expose them all. wants to help call center agents dish the dirt about what goes on in their call centers. The confessions section of the website serves multiple purposes. It lets customers know what they are in for when dealing with call centers, it allows call center agents get things off their chests that they may have done but don't feel comfortable discussing at work, and it gives call center agents a forum to complain about their co-workers who give customer service representatives everywhere a bad reputation.
Press Release Body = Every call center agent has a secret and this website wants to expose them all.
The Call Center Information site located at wants to help call center agents dish the dirt about what goes on in their call centers. The confessions section of the website serves multiple purposes. It lets customers know what they are in for when dealing with call centers, it allows call center agents get things off their chests that they may have done but don't feel comfortable discussing at work, and it gives call center agents a forum to complain about their co-workers who give customer service representatives everywhere a bad reputation.
What kind of stories is the site looking for?
They want to hear it all from the expected - such as fellow agents posing as supervisors and agents who thought their mute buttons were on when they made nasty comments about callers - to the unexpected - such as the suggestion to share the craziest thing that an agent has done while talking on the phone with an unsuspecting caller.
The site promises that all submissions will be posted anonymously. No company names, personal names, or e-mail addresses will be used. (After all, the site can't have its best contributors losing their jobs or the supply of great confessions would be decreased!)
Writer Matthew W. Grant, founder of, says, "I worked in a call center soon after I graduated from college and then dealt with call centers later in a professional purchasing capacity. I also have friends who still work in the business so I\'m sure I\'ve heard of lots of the tricks, but I bet there are still a few out there which will surprise me. I can\'t wait to receive them and get them posted on the site!\"
The Call Center Information Site is a great primer for anyone who works in a call center or is interested in working in one as well as for members of the general public who would like to know what goes on behind the scenes at call centers, which are a large part of the customer service experience in a variety of industries. Some of the covered topics include the agent statistics that are tracked, call center outsourcing, and call center training.
For more information and to submit a Call Center Confession, please visit the Call Center Agent Confessions Page on the Call Center Information Site located at:
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